Minor White
[Photographer, writer, and theorist, b. 1908, Minneapolis, Minnesota, d. 1976, Cambridge, Massachusetts.]

 No matter how slow the film, Spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer It has chosen. 

John Szarkowski
[Curator, critic, historian, and photographer, b. 1925, Ashland, Wisconsin, d. 2007, Pittsfield, Massachusetts.]

 There’s nothing wrong with the laying on of hands to muscle the world into order. But there is something quite unique about the photographic idea of standing in the right place at the right time and accomplishing the same thing. 

Ruth Bernhard
[Photographer, b. 1905, Berlin, d. 2006, San Francisco.]

 There is no such thing as taking too much time, because your soul is in that picture. 

John Baldessari
[Artist, b. 1931, National City, California, lives in Venice, California.]

 I’m not going to temper, I don’t change, don’t want to take the chance of some magic being broken. I like being in my studio, being around all my stuff, magazines, books. This is my existence, this is where I get my power. 

Brassaï (Gyula Halász)
[Photographer, b. 1889, Brassó, Transylvania, Hungary (now Romania), d. 1984, Eze, Alpes-Maritimes, France.]

 I had myself echoed [Peter Henry] Emerson’s view that photography was not an art form, but I had done so without the slightest regret… It is something better than art! It rules out subjectivity, the artist’s arbitrariness; through photography it is at last possible to attain divine, total objectivity. 

Hilla Becher
[Photographer, b. 1934, Potsdam, d. 2015, Düsseldorf.]

 For me, photography is by its very nature free of ideology. Photography with ideology falls to pieces. 

Charles Moore
[Photographer, b. 1921, Hackleburg, Alabama, d. 2010, Palm Beach, Florida.]

 I’m proud to say my photographs have helped to make a difference in our country and society, and to show that we’re all children of the same God. 

Nobuyoshi Araki
[Photographer, b. 1940, Tokyo, lives in Tokyo.]

 When you hold on to something that moves, that is a kind of death. The camera, the photographic image have always called forth the idea of death. And I think about death when I photograph, as you can see in the pictures. That may be an oriental, Buddhist concept. 
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